Collect and Recycle

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Many of those involved in WEEE recycling had an invaluable opportunity to listen to a Government minister on 1st May, on the subject of new regulations surrounding the recycling of waste electricals. Clients of Collect and Recycle ( may be interested to read the comments of Michael Fallon, minister at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) at the recent Reshaping the WEEE Regulations conference.

Fallon stated that the Government was working to ensure that it got right new regulations relating to electrical waste recycling, so that red tape was reduced in a way that was “best for business”. The conference also saw an explanation of the changes that are being introduced so that the UK is in compliance with the Recast Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive, as well as the options that have been put forward by the Department so that businesses that need to comply with the regulation are not overly burdened.

It was last month when a consultation on the proposed changes was launched, and Fallon said that if the Government was to get new legislation ‘right’, it was important for those within the sector to comment.

He stated: “We in government have a vital role to play particularly in getting the regulatory environment right. This will be crucial to stimulating strong sustainable and balanced economic growth and providing the right conditions for businesses to grow.” He observed that the UK discarded around 1.3 million tonnes of electrical equipment each year, a “rapidly” growing number that he described as “a huge amount”.

Fallon said that a more sustainable economy could be created with the recycling and reuse of waste electricals, and that there were “very good reasons” for such an aim – including that “significant savings” could be made by businesses.

Describing regulation as potentially “an important tool”, Fallon said that the right approach would ensure that the country meets its environmental objectives and complies with the revised WEEE Directive’s obligations. He said that complaints from electrical equipment producers about how expensive it would be for them to comply had moved BIS to draw up proposals, with the Recast representing an opportunity to take action.

He added: “Our biggest challenge is to ensure we meet our obligations in a way that does not place an unnecessarily heavy burden on businesses. We have listened carefully to views expressed by stakeholders and these have played a vital part in helping us to shape the set of proposals on which we now seek your comments”.

The consultation on the proposed changes to the WEEE disposal system ends on 21st June, with the Government planning the publication of a response within eight weeks. Here at Collect and Recycle (, we will keep a close eye on developments and let you know of any updates – in the meantime, providing your business with a fully legal and efficient IT recycling service of the very highest standard.

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