Collect and Recycle

Manufacturing Waste Disposal Service

We help manufacturing businesses recycle their waste and effectively dispose of various materials. Get in touch to receive a quote today.

A Few Waste Materials We Collect

Oil Disposal

We specialise in disposing of hazardous waste, including oil.

Electronic Disposal

Whether you need to destroy hard drives or computers, we have you covered.

Paint Disposal

We can collect and recycle both paint and tins for your business.

Aerosol Disposal

Our aerosol can disposal service caters to bulk loads of this waste across the UK.

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Manufacturing Waste Recycling UK

At Collect and Recycle, we have a range of customers from the manufacturing sector that produce various types of waste. This enables manufacturers across the UK to dispose of their waste streams sustainably, reducing the need for raw materials and minimising environmental impact.

Our professional waste disposal service collects commercial waste nationwide, creating an efficient and cost-effective approach to waste management. If you are a manufacturing business in the UK with large volumes of waste for collection, get in touch with our friendly team today.

Manufacturer Disposal Service

Receive A Free Quote

Get in touch with our team today by filling in the form. One of us will get back to you shortly with more information and provide you with a quote. We can then arrange a recycling collection that suits your business.

Manufacturer Disposal Service: Industries We Collect From

We provide a comprehensive manufacturing waste recycling service, specialising in the safe and efficient collection and recycling of waste generated by various manufacturing industries. Our dedicated services ensure that your manufacturing waste is handled responsibly, contributing to a greener planet and a more sustainable future.

We cater to a wide array of manufacturing sectors, understanding the diverse nature of waste produced. Our services encompass all manufacturing industries, including, but not limited to:

  • Automotive manufacturing
  • Chemical production
  • Construction materials
  • Electrical and electronics
  • Food and beverage production
  • Metalworking and machinery
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Textiles and clothing.

We handle various waste types, including, but not limited to, oils (all types), paints, solvents, aerosols, and contaminated packaging.

The Benefits Of Our Services For Manufacturing

Maximise Recovery

Our mission is to maximise the recovery of recyclable materials from the manufacturing waste stream. By segregating and recycling materials like metals, plastics, glass, and paper, we not only conserve natural resources but also reduce the need for landfill disposal.

Expert Advice

Our experts can analyse your waste streams and offer tailored solutions to significantly reduce waste and boost recycling. Understanding your production process allows us to offer customised recycling solutions that integrate seamlessly with your operations, minimising disruption and maximising waste diversion.

Hazardous Specialists

We also specialise in the safe handling and disposal of hazardous waste, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and mitigating potential risks to health and the environment.


Book A Collection For Your Manufacturing Waste

By optimising your waste management practices, we help you eliminate wasted time associated with inefficient waste handling, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. Our efficient waste collection and recycling services are designed to save you time and reduce costs associated with waste management.

At Collect and Recycle, we are dedicated to providing professional manufacturing waste recycling services, supporting your environmental goals while ensuring compliance with regulations. Contact us today to learn how we can assist your business in achieving sustainable waste management.