Collect and Recycle

Fluorescent Tube Disposal For Businesses

We specialise in fluorescent tube recycling and disposal for businesses nationwide. Book a professional collection with our team today.

how to dispose of fluorescent tubes

Recycling Fluorescent Light Tubes Nationwide

At Collect and Recycle, we specialise in disposing of fluorescent tubes in large volumes for businesses. Our team can collect and recycle this waste quickly and efficiently, ensuring they are safely disposed of for your business.

We understand the importance of environmentally responsible waste disposal, particularly when it comes to products like fluorescent tubes that contain hazardous materials. Our nationwide service ensures that businesses across the country can access efficient and compliant recycling solutions for their fluorescent light tubes.

dispose of fluorescent tubes uk

Receive A Free Quote

Get in touch with our team today by filling in the form. One of us will get back to you shortly with more information and provide you with a quote. We can then arrange a recycling collection that suits your business.

Our Fluorescent Tube Disposal Service

Our specialised disposal service is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, offering a seamless and hassle-free solution for recycling fluorescent lamps and lights. We provide a comprehensive service that includes the collection, transportation, and recycling of waste fluorescent tubes, ensuring that they are disposed of properly and in accordance with environmental regulations. 

Fluorescent Tube Recycling

recycle fluorescent tubes

Are Fluorescent Light Tubes Hazardous?

Fluorescent light tubes contain a small amount of mercury, a toxic substance that can be harmful to human health and the environment if not handled correctly. When broken or improperly disposed of, these tubes can release mercury vapour, leading to potential mercury poisoning and environmental contamination. 

It’s crucial for businesses to understand that fluorescent tubes should not be treated as general waste or household waste, and that they require special attention and disposal methods.

By choosing our service, businesses can ensure they are contributing to the reduction of mercury vapour release, and promoting a cleaner, safer environment.

Receive A Quote For Commercial Fluorescent Tube Disposal

At Collect and Recycle, we offer fluorescent tube recycling services with quick, flexible collections. Businesses looking to dispose of fluorescent light bulbs in an environmentally friendly and compliant manner can reach out to us to receive a tailored quote. 

Our service ensures that your waste fluorescent tubes are managed responsibly, emphasising recycling and proper waste disposal. 

By leveraging our services, businesses can ensure they are not only adhering to waste disposal regulations but also contributing to environmental sustainability. Our team is committed to providing a service that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, ensuring that your waste is treated with the utmost care and professionalism.


What Is The Difference Between a Light Bulb And A Fluorescent Bulb?

A light bulb and a fluorescent bulb differ in their design, operation, and energy efficiency. Traditional light bulbs produce light by heating a filament inside the bulb until it glows. This method is less energy-efficient, as a significant portion of the energy is lost as heat. In contrast, fluorescent bulbs generate light through a different process. They contain a gas that, when electrically charged, emits ultraviolet light. This UV light then interacts with a phosphor coating on the inside of the tube, producing visible light. Fluorescent bulbs are more energy-efficient than normal light bulbs, providing the same amount of light while using less electricity.

Are Fluorescent Tubes WEEE Waste?

Fluorescent tubes are classified as hazardous WEEE under Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations (WEEE). This classification means that they must be disposed of according to specific regulations.

Specialist facilities ensure that the components, including hazardous materials like mercury, are safely processed and recycled, reducing the environmental impact. Proper waste collection and adherence to WEEE regulations are crucial in managing these energy-efficient waste lamps.

What Can You Do With Broken Fluorescent Tubes?

If a fluorescent tube breaks, it is important to handle it with care to avoid exposure to mercury. Broken fluorescent tubes should not be disposed of with regular household waste.

Instead, they should be collected by a professional team that can handle broken waste lamps safely. This ensures that the hazardous materials are contained and processed correctly to prevent any environmental contamination. 

How Much Mercury Is In A Fluorescent Tube?

A typical fluorescent tube contains a small amount of mercury, usually around 3 to 5 milligrams. Despite being a tiny amount, this mercury is crucial for the tube’s functionality and energy-efficient operation. However, because mercury is a hazardous substance, it is important to handle and dispose of fluorescent tubes properly. Recycling centres are equipped to safely manage and recycle waste lamps, ensuring that the mercury is handled in an environmentally responsible way according to WEEE regulations.