Collect and Recycle

Chemical Waste Statistics 2024

From manufacturing processes to everyday products, the presence of chemical substances in our environment is more prevalent than ever. The statistics from 2024 highlight not only the scale of waste but also the need for effective waste management solutions. As providers of chemical disposal services, we are at the forefront of...

How Long Should You Keep A Hazardous Waste Consignment Note?

According to the Waste England and Wales Regulations, every party involved in the handling of hazardous waste—be it the producer or holder, the carrier, or the final waste disposal facility—must retain a copy of the Hazardous Waste Consignment Note for at least three years. This requirement ensures there is a reliable...

How Long Does A Car Battery Last?

Car Battery LifespanA car battery will generally last between three and five years. This will depend on various factors such as frequency driven and driving conditions.When it comes to maintaining your vehicle, understanding the lifespan of a car battery is crucial. Factors like the type of vehicle, battery quality, and...