Collect and Recycle

Calcium Carbonate Disposal For Businesses

Calcium carbonate can be disposed of safely with the help of our hazardous waste team. Book a collection today by getting in touch with our team.

Calcium Carbonate Waste Services

Calcium carbonate can be harmful in concentrated solid form or in very concentrated solutions. Exposure to this chemical can irritate the skin and eyes, with inhalation causing damage to the nose, throat and lungs. Calcium should also not be disposed of down the drain as the waste reacts with water and air, forming compounds that can cause environmental harm.

This makes it vital to contact a professional waste disposal team to handle your calcium carbonate waste safely. At Collect and Recycle, we specialise in collecting and disposing of chemical waste, allowing businesses to have peace of mind that their waste is handled in accordance with regulations.


Get in touch

Get in touch with our team today by filling in the form. One of us will get back to you shortly with more information and provide you with a quote. We can then arrange a recycling collection that suits your business.

What Is Calcium Carbonate?

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO₃. It is a white, odourless powder or colourless crystal that naturally occurs in various forms, including chalk, limestone, marble, and calcite. 

It is one of the most abundant minerals found in the Earth’s crust and is a major component of shells of marine organisms, snails, pearls, and eggshells.

Uses of Calcium Carbonate

Book A Collection For Your Calcium Carbonate Waste

Whether you run a laboratory, manufacturing company, processing plant or any other business producing calcium carbonate waste, we are here to help. Our team can arrange a collection to suit your needs, ensuring minimal disruptions to your business. 

All of the waste will be removed and treated safely at one of our partner’s licensed treatment facilities. Where contaminated containers are removed, these will be recycled depending on the material. This ensures your business is disposing of waste through environmentally-friendly methods.