Collect and Recycle

school paint case study

School Paint Disposal Case Study

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School Paint Disposal Case Study

School Paint Case Study

We recently received an inquiry from a school that needed help disposing of large quantities of paint waste. The initial inquiry included a mixture of empty and used paint tins across two sites in London, which needed removing on the same day.

How Did We Help?

Our hazardous waste team organised a collection for the water-based paint tins quickly and efficiently, fulfilling our client’s request for removal. To ensure the paint tins were safe for transport, we provided three “cut-off” IBC containers in which the paint tins were placed. We provided the school with a completed hazardous waste consignment note for compliance and traceability, ensuring regulations were followed. 

The 150 paint tins and 5 fire extinguishers were removed by our verified drivers, and transported to licensed treatment facilities for safe disposal. This service enabled the school to clear waste away quickly and securely, which is critical for hazardous waste due to the threat to environmental and human health.

The Cost and Environmental Benefits

The successful disposal of paint waste not only ensured compliance with environmental regulations but also provided significant cost benefits for the school.

By choosing our specialised waste disposal services, efficient handling and disposal methods minimised environmental impact, aligning with the school’s commitment to sustainability and responsible waste management.

The prompt and professional service we delivered has fostered a strong partnership between our company and the school, setting a foundation for future collaborations on chemical waste management.

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