Reducing Plastic Waste With Cardboard PackagingIn a bid to reduce plastic waste and production, Ariel has designed new packaging for its washing pods made from cardboard. This is an ECOCLIC® box which is FSC certified and made from recycled fibres. The packaging is fully recyclable and can simply be placed...
How To Sell Cardboard For Recycling
We offer rebates for over 4-5 tonnes of cardboard waste Investing in waste balers will make your cardboard more profitable Selling Your Cardboard Waste For RecyclingAs a business, receiving rebates for your recyclable waste is a great stream of revenue to add to your business. This can help with saving...
Can You Put Books In Recycling Bins?
Yes, books can be placed in your recycling bin, but it will depend on the type of book. Paperback books can usually be placed in your household recycling bin for collection by your local authority. However, hardback books are more complicated because their glue and binding materials may not be...
How To Dispose Of Hazardous Waste
Hazardous materials can range from various electrical products through to oils and chemical waste. The reason that important waste regulations and rules are in place from the environment agency is because these materials can be harmful to human health or the environment.If your business produces oils, chemicals, WEEE products, paints,...
Types Of Chemical Waste
What Are Chemical Waste Items?There are various types of chemical waste that you may be using at your business or school. Due to the nature of this waste, and with many being hazardous, it is essential that you store and dispose of these waste items carefully and professionally. If you...
Hazardous Waste Examples You Need To Know
What Is Hazardous Waste?Hazardous waste is classed as any waste that is harmful to human health or the environment. The four characteristics include corrosive wastes, radioactive wastes, and ignitable wastes. Treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste should be careful and in line with the hazardous waste regulations that the...
How To Reduce Chemical Waste
Minimising Chemical Waste At Your BusinessChemicals are used by various sectors and can be a huge waste stream for many organisations. Hazardous chemical waste in particular, poses a threat to human health and the planet: We produce 400 million tons of hazardous waste each year, globally. In order to minimise...
How To Dispose Of Chemical Waste Effectively
Disposing Of Chemical WasteDisposing of chemical waste safely involves the help of a specialist waste management team to remove waste materials and dispose of at licensed facilities. When you dispose of your hazardous items, special care must be taken into consideration due to the waste being harmful to human health...
What Is Hazardous Waste And The Correct Disposal Process
Does Your Business Create Hazardous Waste?Hazardous waste is classified as any waste which is harmful to human health or the environment. This type of waste must be disposed of and recycled where possible to ensure limited damage is done to the environment and your safety is not at risk. The...
5 Ways Technology Is Providing a More Sustainable Future
Living more sustainability has now become a must in 2022 as the threat of climate change is more prominent than ever. Consumers are making changes in their lifestyle to live more sustainability and over half of consumers are now likely to purchase eco-friendly products wherever possible. Technology has no doubt...